Monday, September 30, 2019

Hope for Melal

The book â€Å"Melal â€Å"by Robert Barclay takes place in 1981 in The Marshall Islands of the South Pacific. The people known as the Marshallese are the natives to these islands. Overtime other cultures began to settle on these islands also, such as the Spanish, Japanese, and Americans. Out of these three cultures the Americans were the most domineering and devastating to the Marshallese people. The Americans took over the Marshallese native land and forced all of them to live on one island in deplorable conditions. The Marshallese had their freedom revoked from them; they then had to live under the Americans rules. Two of the Marshallese characters in this story who believes strongly in withholding many of the native Marshallese custom and traditions are Jebro and Rujen. These two characters portray great hope that they can sustain these important aspects of their culture. Hope starts with believing in something one desires can happen. Sparks of hope are revealed throughout this story through the character Jebro. Jebro’s hope comes from believing that he can continue on the traditions of his native culture, so that the traditions will not be lost. He believes he can do this by teaching important Marshallese traditions to younger Marshallese, and Americans who take an interest in learning. â€Å"Maybe on one of your days off I can swing by with a boat and we’ll go fish. The rules say we’re not supposed to stop over here, but I’m sure we’ll get away with it. You can show me how you knew where that school was gonna come up. Or did you use that magic finger of yours? Jebro nodded, smiling now. Okay we go fishing sometime, but if you want my secrets that are worth more than any boat you give me! He laughed â€Å"(Barclay 253). I think this passage in the story shows that Jebro is realizing that not all Americans like Travis, are bad people. This gives him hope that he can begin to teach Americans about what is important to the Marshallese natives, so they can come to better understand some of the traditions that the natives value. Rujen’s hope in this story is derived from him finally acting on his beliefs in Part 3 of the story. This took place after Rujen tried to integrate for such a long time with the Americans, which lead Rujen into such an empty ife he could no longer take it. He finally snapped and realized that he is a Marshallese and should stop pretending to be something he is not. â€Å"Yokwe, he said, he drove the knife down. That was when blood came up from the mouth of the mermaid on Good Friday, 1981 â€Å"(Barclay 262). I think this is Rujen’s first sign that he has belief that there is still hope for the Marshallese. Rujen performed this act of killing the dolphin, because the Marshallese people believe that it is bad luck to not kill any dolphin that came into the lagoon. This is Rujen’s way of standing up for the traditions and culture he was brought up in. If Rujen did not perform this task, the Americans were going to make it a law that it was illegal to kill dolphins. The fact that Rujen got away with this task, gives all Marshallese people hope that their traditions can still be performed. The second sign of Rujen‘s hope in this story is shown in the following passage, â€Å"How could a Marshallese be trespassing on a Marshallese island? The ticket filled Rujen with an unbearable loathing of the ignorant man who had written it. He waved the ticket in front of Oly’s face, nearly slapping him with it. Maybe you better pay me fifty bucks! You pig â€Å"(Barclay 271). In this passage Rujen is standing up for the Marshallese people in hope of reclaiming the land that had been taken from them. â€Å"I like it when boys like yours go trespassing on the outer islands. All boys should go if they have the chance, instead of just lying around and drinking. He slapped Lazarus’s knee. Maybe we all should go, Alfred said. We should go live on those islands and tell the Army to shoot their missiles at Ebeye instead! Kinoj and the others, not laughing, seemed to be giving Alfred’s proposal serious thought† (Barclay 279). I think that this passage shows that a lot of the Marshallese agrees with Rujen. They have hope that if all the Marshallese stick together and try to take their land back over, that they will be successful. The Marshallese has real hope that they can believe in. Hope that there belief’s and traditions will be carried on for many generation’s. If they stick together, I think that they can be successful in gaining their lives back. I believe the Americans and Marshallese will find a common ground and live happily together, and share the land. They are two different cultures, but many different cultures co-exist. People to have different beliefs and values and we can all learn from one another. If in the South Pacific everyone was governed by the same laws, and was treated equally I feel that the quality of life would drastically improve for the natives in that region.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Early Hominids and Tools

Early Hominids and Tools Jacky Thompson ANT 101 March 20, 2013 Even though humans seem to be the most advanced creatures walking this earth, we certainly had ancestors before us. We share similar genetic information of other animals. They are what we consider early hominids. Early hominids date as far back as 6 to 8 million years ago. Just like humans, they had to have some type of culture in order to survive and make a living. Culture is defined as a dynamic adaptive process of learned, shared, and integrated behaviors.But it is not so obvious that these hominids had culture, so the presences of stone tools and home bases might be the answer to determine if they had culture. Tools are defined as a device or implement used with the hand, to carry out a specific function. Primates learn and share in certain culture, but their social behavior is not as complex as those of humans. The earliest hominids were classified as Australopithecus, which is a type of ape. Scientists claimed that their brains were not big enough to fathom the thought of making tools. Perhaps they used tools to hunt animals.The animals that later hominids hunted were used for food and maybe the furs were used for clothing. This is what we consider hunting and gathering. It is a technique in which the men are responsible for hunting while the women gather the resources. In order for them to hunt they must have had tools to help them kill and clean animals. This process of hunting can be learned and passed on through generations, which are basic parts of culture. The use of tools allowed or ancestor’s opportunities to hunt and do other useful things that were off-limits before the use of tools.Scientist still really does not have clues as to how and why this transition took place. The actual history and time comes from the actual tools themselves. The act of making tools is an example of how developed our ancestor’s brains were. To actually create the thought of making tools and t o figure how they will be designed is a significant development in itself. This symbolizes culture because the process of making tools was probably passed down to generations, and they became better at using and making better tools.Early hominids used stone tool making. This is the deliberate fashioning of a stone into an actual tool. Throwing or bashing the stones against something created it. Archaeologists recognized four types of tools: choppers, flake tools, crude tools, and hand axes. Mostly found in Africa and the Middle East. Early hominids probably made tools with sticks, wood, horn, and other perishable materials. Besides previous uses of tools mentioned, they were also used for fishing out termites and other insects.These tools were supposedly long blades of grass that had been licked, and stuck into holes to get termites, which they ate in order to get proteins and the nutrients they needed. Besides humans, species in the animal kingdom, also shared culture behavior. Thi s was mainly seen in chimpanzees. Scientist often compared the culture of the two. Chimps are genetically the closest related relatives to humans, sharing 98 percent of our DNA. Seeing as to they were this closely related to us, of course they would be capable of making tools like earlier hominids did.Chimps made weapons to hunt. They hunted in things like nuts, fishing for termites. And just like earlier ancestors who ate them, the chimps did also. They choose branches, stripped it of its leaves, trimmed it, and put it to use. Unlike hominids, it is not really successful for chimps to hunt. This might be so because their brain is not as developed as ours. They mostly go after available resources such as, fruits and branches. Males used methods such as grabbing prey and killing it, while the females created the tools that were useful for catching the prey.Now, to the actual cultural behaviors of both humans and chimpanzees, we have a few behavior patterns in common. Humans have the ability to throw things, and more precisely, they are able to aim at an actual object then throw. Chimps have also showed this type of behavior. This type of behavior is not one that is passed on through genetics, but it is socially learned. Like little children who look at their parents, and mirror their actions, baby chimps also learn to do the same thing. So in this case, cultural is socially gratified even though it is not as complex as humans.Both species evolved upright or bipedal. Another culture characteristic is the way chimps wake. This gives us an idea of how our early ancestors begin walking. They no longer walked on all fours, they being to free their hands in order to carry valuable resources. Other characteristics include emotions. Chimps have ways to show fear, often displayed with a small smirk, just like humans. Perhaps this is a mechanism used not to show fear. They can also contract similar illnesses that humans have such as HIV and hepatitis but they do not show symptoms of the viruses.Much like institutionalized humans, chimpanzees whose social, intellectual, and physical, needs are not met, they show behavioral symptoms of stress. Chimpanzees exhibit such behaviors, as self-mutilation, continual rocking, and aggression. These are socially learned mechanisms within cultures. Evidence of early hominids have been seen everywhere, but to actually distinguish if they have cultural behavior is hard. Just like hominids, chimpanzees share, almost the same amount of DNA, giving them a better chance to act out as humans, versus other animals.Even though we share a fair amount of DNA, while chimpanzees are further studied, it is becoming more apparent that their intelligence is higher than we previously thought. Talking, for instance, is not a hard task for hominids, but for chimps, it is believed that they have the learning capacity to use spoken language, but their throats and vocal cords are not designed to make consonant noises and sounds. This eliminates the possibility of chimps actually being able to talk. However, chimps in opposition have been taught to understand English, communicate through with certain keypads, acknowledge certain symbols, and use sign language.Since early hominids were descendants of the same common ancestor as chimps, they most likely had the same resources available to learn the same things as humans did. Another thing that hominid cultures find to be normal is to let the male wander off while the females stayed put in a specific area. Chimps use a similar type method. Instead of the male going out to gather sources and goods, the female traveled while the male held the home base. Another behavior characteristic that we share is socializing. Chips show this by grooming, chasing, or playing.Like hominids they too, show affection, which includes kissing and hugging. Perhaps chimps use grooming to connect, while hominids were more successful through talking. We both show facial expression, and sho ckingly, language. Instead of verbal sounds, chimps make grunts and screams. When it came to hominids and chimps hunting, they both searched for meats and plants, making the both of them omnivorous. Even though many humans would prefer eating meats, chimps lean more towards fruits. One of the most common similarities of the wo are bipedalism. This is the act of walking on two legs. Chimps would be seen most of the time walking on all fours but they use bipedalism to further ahead of themselves. When comparing these two species we are able to find so many similarities. With almost the same amount of DNA, the resemblance is shocking. We both have the ability to hunt, walk on two legs, eat similar foods, and we lack a tail. Our behavior is learned, and shared. Chimpanzees and early hominoids, take on the responsibility of hunting and providing for there offspring.They both had the ability of making and using tools. Perhaps they inherited this ability from some common ancestor. Since ch imps did not learn from humans, we can accept the fact that we are related and originated from a common ancestor. Culture is socially stratified, thus making it important for chimps and humans to adapt to the social norm in order to communicate. So the presence of stone tools, and home bases do suggest that we both had culture, and I can conclude the fact the early hominids and chimps cultural behavior did strongly compare.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Act of Kindness in Langston Hughes’ Short Story, Thank You MaAm

An Act of Kindness in Langston Hughes’ Short Story, Thank You Ma'Am Storyteller Aesop once quipped, â€Å"Any act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted.† This truth is illuminated in Langston Hughes’ short story, â€Å"Thank You Ma’am,† when a woman helps a boy from the wrong side of the tracks get back on the right path, even though he has wronged her. The woman’s merciful yet firm stance enlightens the mischievous boy about the error of his ways. Ultimately, a little generosity and kindness will go a long way. As the story begins to take shape, Roger is a misguided young man, as yet untouched by the woman’s kindness. He fails in his attempt to steal a purse from Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, and is already paying the price. Says the author, â€Å"The large woman simply turned around and kicked him right square in his blue-jeaned sitter. Then she reached down, picked the boy up by his shirt front, and shook him until his teeth rattled† (Hughes 1). Evidently, Mrs. Jones is taking matters into her own hands to discipline the wayward boy, rather than leaving it up to the police. She punishes him for his wrongdoing with the sole intent of discouraging him from making similar mistakes in the future. In this way, it is her concern for his welfare and future that makes her take such stern action. Another instance of Mrs. Jones compassionate, nearly maternal, attitude towards Roger plays out when she confronts him verbally. She remarks, â€Å"You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong. Least I can do right now is to wash your face. Are you hungry?† (Hughes 2). Whereas most people would resent their attackers, Mrs. Jones wanted to care for Roger and even take him under her wing. It is a telling fact indeed that her priority was to tend to the boy, not report him to the authorities. Conclusively, Mrs. Jones exhibited tremendous generosity toward Roger, and it has made all the difference. Later, Mrs. Jones continues her motherly role towards Roger, even softening up a bit. She â€Å"did not ask the boy anything about where he lived, or his folks, or anything else that would embarrass him. Instead, as they ate, she told him about her job† (Hughes 4). Noticeably, Mrs. Jones was considerate of the boy by speaking to him in a friendly manner, discussing a carefree topic with him to ease his mind and establish a caring relationship with him, as though he were her son. In another example of her hospitality towards Roger, she says, â€Å"Now here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes†¦ The boy wanted to say something other than ‘Thank you, ma’am’†¦but although his lips moved, he couldn’t† (Hughes 4). Astoundingly, Mrs. Jones gave the boy the money he had tried to steal from her in the first place—along with a valuable lesson. As for Roger, he was clearly moved by her charity and dumbstruck to s ee that anyone could be so forgiving; he had obviously learned his lesson. All in all, Mrs. Jones showed great mercy towards Roger and was rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing that she had positively impacted his life. As Aesop brilliantly remarked, â€Å"Any act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted.† Langston Hughes shines the light on this reality in his short story, â€Å"Thank You Ma’am.† Roger is surprised to receive compassion and mercy from a woman he had wronged. He comes to see the error in his ways thanks to Mrs. Jones’ profoundly caring nature towards him. Conclusively, even a little kindness and hospitality can change a person’s life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Law of tort essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Law of tort - Essay Example In the case of Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police2 the Court considered the various kinds of relationships which would qualify as close ties, and parent/child relationships and family ties including the spouse relationship were deemed to be strong enough to establish the close nature of the ties. By applying the (a) requirement, it may be noted that Roger, Thomas and Nicolas will have a claim on the basis of close ties to the victim. However, on the basis of criterion (b) it may be noted that Roger and Nicholas were not actually present at the site of the accident and neither had directly witnessed the accident. Therefore, they may not be eligible for recoveries. But Thomas will be entitled to claim damages on the basis of both proximity to the incident and the fact that the injured person is a loved one. Moreover, he would also be classified as a rescuer according to Chadwick v BRB3 and the Court has clearly stated in this case that rescuers who suffer psychiatric damages as a result of their rescue efforts will be eligible for recoveries. This was also upheld on appeal in the case of McLoughlin v O Brien4 that rescuers suffering from psychiatric illness will be eligible for damages. There is a strong case in Thomas’ favor in that he was directly at the site, the injured one was his own brother and the psychiatric illness he is suffering from now is directly attributable to the injury. The only factor that could possibly limit his recoveries to some extent could be the time that has passed since the accident, however if his anxiety attacks have commenced immediately after the accident and are continuing to date, he will certainly be eligible to make a claim. In the case of Roger and Nicholas, it is unlikely that Nicholas can make a claim at all, in spite of the fact that his son was severely injured. For one thing, he was not in close proximity to the incident, he did not witness it at all and he was told about

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lesson 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lesson 9 - Essay Example Thus, this comparison draws from the way the system of beliefs in each of the two societies shape people’s behavior so as to understand the magnitude of control that beliefs have on people. This will help appreciate the important role of beliefs in the society. Both essays reveal that in a given society, a system of beliefs serves as an important component by portraying how it governs the norms and practices of the members to a greater extent. The online society of anorexics and bulimics in the Floridian society has it practices motivated by a system of beliefs drawn from the Thin Commandments and the Ana Creed. The belief that â€Å"if thou aren’t thin, thou aren’t attractive† makes girls and women in Florida to join the pro-ana society which practice anorexia and bulimia so as to keep thin (Udovitch 112). Similarly, the Dakotan society does not support women writers who tell the truth in their works. This society believes that discouragements are not mea nt for public consumption, hence the reason why women writers should not tell the truth in their writings, otherwise they risk being separated from the society. Since setting oneself apart from the rest of the society is hard to do according to Norris (128), these women writers content in writing what is acceptable, the untruth. This similarity portrays a system of beliefs in a society as an important aspect in shaping the behavior of its members. It even overrides the truth to determine what they should and should not do. Udovitch and Norris, in their respective essays, allude on the importance of a system of beliefs in the society by fronting the argument of its unifying role. The writers bring out beliefs as the glue that puts people together physically and psychologically. In Florida, the girls and women who believe that if â€Å"you do wrong and you eat, then you sin† have been brought together to an online society where they share their experiences on their practice of anorexia and bulimia (Udovitch 110). With the rest of the Floridian society opposed to this practice, the online society provides a platform to meet with people of like minds. Even in Dakota, by female writers appreciating and abiding by the general belief that â€Å"if a discouraging word is heard, it is not for public consumption,† they become acceptable in the larger Dakotan society (Norris 127). These beliefs set a standard code of expected behaviors and norms which define a particular society. Observing this code promotes harmony among the members of the given society, thus uniting them. The need for sacrifices with regard to any system of beliefs in each of the essays enhances the importance that beliefs have to a society. For the Floridian women to achieve and maintain the thin body considered to be attractive, they have to suffer pain and sacrifice eating according to the anorexia practice. Furthermore, a woman observing the anorexia and bulimia beliefs has to sacrifi ce her publicity because as one of the members confesses, â€Å"I can’t just come out and tell them I don’t eat†¦ they will get on my case† (Udovitch 111). These women sacrifice the comfort of free-will eating and publicity of their practices, which could cause deterrence from the public, so as to live up to the expectations of their beliefs. In the same way, the Dakotan women writers sacrifice the truth so as to be acceptable in the

Read a case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read a - Case Study Example The objective was to encourage as many people as possible to refer their friends and family such that they could have a significant number of free customers. They were hoping that since on average 20 percent of free customers turn premium, they could increase the potential customer base. The method was immensely successful in and in 2010; there was an increase 2.8 users who were referred by the 4 million paying customers. It is approximated that the Dropbox accounts each yielded a 12% referral rate, which was likely understated given the fact that many people target even non-acquaintances. In 2013, the company’s conversion from free to premise rose from 1.4 to 4%, which boosted the revenue to between $200 and $240 million dollars of annual income. The success rate was so high that other internet firms began to copy the freemium model as a way to get new clients without significant cost in their marketing budget. Another positive impact of the strategy was that it was copied by other firms outside the cloud storage business with the 100 top rating apps in Apple store using it in 2013. While there are no precise figures for how many of the firms using the technology were successful, there is no doubt that many of those that did have substantively grown their cu stomer base. In fact, the model was so successful that some firms like Spotify, an online radio channel had a conversion rate of 20%. There were nevertheless some disadvantage to this strategy; some of the companies that tried to model it ended up going bankrupt since the bulk of their clients did not convert to the premium service. In addition, given that Dropbox’s clients were mostly free, it means that much of their attention had to go to them while they may have been better off servicing the paying ones. Moving forward, it is hard to determine if the company can expect to make any more progress from the method since the firm is already a market giant and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethnography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethnography - Essay Example The Bible study groups set their main biblical topic to be studied during these study times. The major purpose of Bible study is to collectively grasp an understanding of God’s word, even though there is some existence some form of worship and prayer. There exists a traditional belief that mothers ought to stay at home at home and look after their children. The Bible, for example in Titus 2: 4-6 and Timothy 5:14, focuses on the role of women role as ‘house keepers’, who ought to bear children and raise them in a manner that the Lord wants. In Proverbs 31: 28-31 women generally are given praise for the successful raising of children and home. In that respect, women have biblical roles that can be enhanced through bible study groups to be well behaved and more righteous. This has led to the formation of cell groups that mainly comprises of women either married or single. Therefore, even cultures degrade, distort and debase women, the Bible exalts them. The women have numerous challenges which they need to address as women alone. It was observed that the cell groups which comprised of both single and married women commences by taking off their shoes, greeting each other, having refreshments, taking of the prayer request, an opening prayer, getting of the bible study session, and finally it ends in prayer again The interviewees reported that Bible study brings unity for women who are not used to fellowshipping with each other. They also reported that they meet at Theresa Burns house so women can feel more comfortable being in a home setting verse in a church, so they are not discriminating against any faith. Outside the group, some of these women are coworkers. Others attend the same church thus fellowshipping together fellowship together. They also reported that their group was non-denominational group. The cell group consists of all kinds of women. The Bible study is led by Theresa Burns because she is regarded as a mediator, although they are no

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business - Corporate Accountability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business - Corporate Accountability - Essay Example In simple terms, corporate accountability is the ability of individuals affected by a corporation to take charge of the actions of the enterprise. It involves changes in the legal framework of how a company operates within social and environmental parameters. Corporate accountability ensures that the legal framework within which a corporation operates is enforceable. This means that the corporation can be held accountable if it fails to meet the set requirements. It offers legal rights over the relevant stakeholders to seek compensation incase they suffer from the company’s operation (Friends of Earth, 2005). Corporate accountability ensures corporations operate with the view of minimizing and avoiding social or environmental risk and harm. The concept of corporate accountability has brought various enlightened sectors of the corporate world together. Environmental organizations, trade unions, consumers, human rights and governments have all united behind the concept of corpor ate accountability (Friends of Earth, 2010). Corporations regularly may exploit weak regulatory systems in poor and developing countries making citizens in such countries vulnerable to corporate human rights abuse. Corporations also exploit such weak domestic regulatory systems due to the lack of international corporate accountability. ... As companies expand internationally, regulation measures have not been put in place to ensure compensation for individuals whose human rights become violated. Large and multinational companies have an obligation to protect human rights within their operations. Corporate accountability provides corporations with an opportunity to have a look at its operations and impact on people as well as the environment (Isaleem, 2010). This paper will focus on a case study on corporate response of the Shell oil company towards corporate accountability resulting from consumer and political pressure. CASE STUDY: SHELL OIL COMPANY Shell Oil Company is the fifth largest company in the world according to Forbes magazine. It is a global oil and gas company. The company’s registered office is in London while its headquarters are located at The Hague, Netherlands. The company’s primary business involves oil exploration, harvesting, transportation and trade. In its oil operations, the company has come under severe scrutiny regarding to its role in environmental pollution and human rights abuses in several countries. It has become particularly criticized over the effects of its operations in Africa which has led to several protests against the company. Its operations in the Niger-delta located in Nigeria have resulted to extreme environmental issues (Amnesty International, 2005). Oil spills resulting from old and corroded pipelines has contributed to the death of vegetation, fish and general environmental degradation in the Niger-delta. This has led to mass protests against Shell by the local population in Niger-delta and particularly Amnesty international. The environmental pollution has also led to calls to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Analysis of the Film Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge Essay

Analysis of the Film Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge - Essay Example The mother who is well aware that the father is set in his views and is unlikely to change his mind encourages the young lovers to elope. This is the stage where the story deviates from the general trend because the young man is determined that he will only marry the girl he loves with the approval of both her parents, irrespective of the cost and irrespective of how long the process takes. He then embarks on a persistent campaign to win the father’s approval and at the end of a period of sustained suffering, he is able to finally achieve the desired objective. One of the important aspects to be considered in film analysis is the historical context within which the film story is set. For instance, as Hogan states, an essay that examines a film like Mildred Pierce should of necessity, analyse the changing sociological position of women which occurred during the post world war period, because the historical events of the war resulted in women being forced to participate more act ively in jobs that were formerly restricted to men only but were falling vacant because they were being drafted into the armed forces to fight the war (Corrigan,88). Similarly, DDLJ is a significant film when assessed using a historical perspective. This film can be compared to another Hindi film titled Bobby that was produced and marketed in the 70s. In this film, the spoilt young son of a rich man falls in love with a poor girl belonging to a different religion. i.e., Christianity. The young lovers solve the problems arising from the rich-poor chasm existing in Indian society by eloping. This film reflects the prevailing mood in Indian society during that period when a love marriage was viewed as a near impossibility since arranged marriages were the norm and viewed as the ideal condition for marriage and one which was also socially acceptable.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Integration of Aristotles Four Causes and Ego Psychology Essay Example for Free

Integration of Aristotles Four Causes and Ego Psychology Essay Ego Psychology Theory is based on Freud’s structure of mind model of identity, ego, and superego elaborated in more detail. Individuals have different ego controlling between primitive drives and realities. Individuals always deal with identities, drives and egos. However, if one has good control with ego, they can express their desire, drives and morals in realistic and socially appropriate ways. If failed, one confronts difficulties such as conflict with inner self and loss of mature interpersonal relationship. However, throughout lifetime, individuals change their feelings and behaviors to better fit their needs or minimize their conflict between primitive drives and realities. The material cause for ego psychology is identity and ego. Individuals are born with primitive drives, sexual desires, and egos which enable to organize their identity, drives and synthesize judgment, defined as decisions toward another in feelings, or to be aware of drives that affects feelings in accord with reality. In other words, ego can give a right direction for or control identity drives, whether it is satisfied or not in light of reality. The formal cause of ego psychology is ego development which is follows by means of the individuals needs, e. g. , affiliation with others, learning, etc. Hartmann says that we must develop â€Å"autonomous ego-development† (Hartmann, 1958, p, 101). The ego must be understood in relation with the individuals needs and drives, traits, expectations, and values. According to Hartmann, peoples defense mechanism develop their ego. Hartmann pointed out that â€Å"the defense processes may simultaneously serve both the control of instinctual drive and adaptation to the external world. † (Hartmann, 1958, p. 51) The efficient cause is adaptation â€Å"reality mastering† and a reciprocated relationship between an individual and his or her environment. The outcome of successful adaptation implies â€Å"fitting together† (Hartmann 1958, p, 36). If individuals overcome their conflicts, they are lead to their functions which are more or less closely related to the perceive reality. Therefore, successful adaptation embeds an individual in an environment. Also, it solves conflict among individual needs, capacities, and their environments due to the complicated tendencies of defensive egos. In early stages the ego is focused on differentiating itself from others and on affirming its separate existence though expression of drives. Later, the individuals begin to learn rules of conduct to follow in order to avoid group criticism (Martin,1981). The impact of interpersonal and environmental factors is thought to be crucial to the evolution of mature ego functions during the lifelong developmental process. The final cause of ego psychology is to find better adaptation and sustain ego function with regard to individual needs to adapt to their environments, drives, traits, and expectations. Other manifestations of social functioning problems and self regulation and control of drives affect other peoples perceptions is central to the development of an individuals behaviors and are appropriate in certain circumstances. People, because of their inevitable and requisite relationship with the world, are subject to change their attitudes, behaviors, and even their egos in order to cope with the changes and demands of other people around them and in the group they belong in. References Irving M. Rosen. (1968) Ego psychology of the adult years.Journal of Religion and Health, Volume 7, Number 3 PDF (243. 6 KB) Retrieved May 2, 2008, from SpringerLink database. Hartmann, Heinz. (1958) Ego psychology and the problem of adaptation. New York, NY: International Universities Press. Martin A, James. (2000) Ego psychology notes. Retrieved Apr. 2, 2008, from http://www. brynmawr. edu/Acads/GSSW/jam/switr/991415. htm Martin, Grotjahn. (1981) The therapeutic group process in the light of developmental ego Psychology. Group, Volume 5. Retrieved May 2, 2008, from SpringerLink database.

Friday, September 20, 2019

How Do You See the World?

How Do You See the World? I was taught early on in life that God is the center of all creation and we should fear Him; for one day we must account for our life. I knew the bible existed, but I never read it. I was told stories out of the bible, but I did not understand the meaning of them. My parents were born, raised and educated through high school in the Catholic faith and neither parent continued on to higher education. My dad joined the Army and was sent to fight in the Vietnam War. My mom became pregnant with me after one year of college. Although neither parent will discuss this era of their life with me, I believe that my parents faced some terrifying events which pulled them away from their faith in God. I grew up in a world of emotional turmoil that would not be conquered until I was in my twenties. To this day, neither parent is close to God; however, I have experienced salvation through Christ. Moreover, my life is much better because of Him. As a survivor of unvarying mental and emotional abuse by my father and of consistent bullying I was subjected to during my teenage years in junior high and high school, currently, I have a tendency to be autonomous and not ask for help in fear that I will be rejected, ridiculed or pushed to the edge. Furthermore, the abuse I endured have long lasting effects such as lack of confidence, shy, withdrawn, confused, unfocused, and low self-esteem. After high school, I began drinking alcohol at parties and experimented with marijuana, not because I enjoyed the feeling, but because I fit in with a group of people I called my friends for the first time in my life. I met and dated my boyfriend for three years, lived in sin and became pregnant. I do not think I have ever admitted this before, but subconsciously, I believe I became pregnant on purpose. I grew up with the viewpoint that I would not bring a child into this cold, cruel, meaningless world with so much violence and disease. As it tu rned out, my daughter was a gift; a chance for me to make a life for me and her. Although I did not marry my daughters father, mostly out of fear that I would end up divorced like my parents, we remain very good friends. While he was studying for his Masters program in college, he developed a personal relationship with Jesus and introduced me to an entirely different world that I grew up knowing. I too, developed a personal relationship with Jesus but it would still be a few more years that I would completely understand what that meant and it would cost me dearly. I continued to live a very sinful life and found myself dating men that treated me just like my father and bullies. I would do anything to win their approval. I just wanted to feel loved. In the year 2000, I met this man who I fell deeply in love with. He was the furthest thing from a Godly man as you could get. In 2002, he would end up stealing everything I owned and leave me to pick up all the pieces once he moved on. I lost my money, car, my house, my job, my friends, and nearly my daughter. I soon realized it was God letting me know that he was not pleased with my choices so he got my attention dramatically. This time, I turned my life over to God completely and asked him to drive and He has not let me down since. Volunteering had always been an escape for me. I volunteered with a youth group in high school so I searched for something meaningful I could do as an adult. The Jaycees, a current volunteer group I have been with since August, 2000 has been one of the single most fulfilling journeys I have ever been on. This international organization has opened my eyes to an entire world of both wonderful and tragic ways. I have had the opportunity to be friends with people I would not have otherwise met. I have helped third world countries by providing food, water, shoes, books, toys and malaria nets. I have helped people in my own community by providing financial assistance, food needs, rides to the hospital for medical needs, etc. All the while helping others, I was actually changing my own worldview. I lost my It is all about me filter and saw the world had bigger problems than mine. I loved Jesus more than anything and questioned the reasons why God allowed such travesty to occur in His world. To do more, I joined a small group through my church and became committed friends with them. In June 2009, I affirmed my relation with Christ for a second time by being baptized, two years later, my daughter affirmed her relation with Christ. Today, I see the world with a completely different set of eyes. Instead of the why me questions with no answers, I pray what can I do to help someone today prayer. I have discovered that I am somebody with value, choices, talent, and that I have an enormous amount of love to give and there is an entire world out there that would graciously accept it. My latest prompt from God was to return to school and discover new talents, make new friends and become educated the proper way. The Lord wants me to explore His world through His eyes which is what led me to the Christian College I am at today. Lord is revealing his plan for me like if it was an onion: only peeling one layer off at a time and as long as my heart and mind are wide open, the future holds amazing things for me.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Baroque Mexican Music Concert Report Essays -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The concert I attended was a recital of Mexican baroque choral music. There were 5 main pieces played, each one having its own unique style and function. The recital was held at University of South Carolina School of Music recital hall room 201 on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 6:00pm. The group that sang was the graduate vocal ensemble and was conducted by Daniel S. Clark. The group of singers did an excellent job capturing the music and it was very hard to notice any major mistakes. The concert in a whole was a very soothing to me because when I went there I was very hyper and tense, but as the pieces were being played out, I became very relaxed and sleepy. This concert was a little different because in the beginning, the conductor went through a lecture of the Mexican baroque period. After he went through all of the material, they sang 5 songs and left. It was very interesting to learn about the music as it was heard and I think this is a very effective way to tea ch people about music and let them learn through personal interaction. Most of the songs were sang mostly by the higher pitched singers so it made us very sleepy. I had to wake up my friend who came with me because he was snoring!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first piece that was played was â€Å"Beatus Vir† with Brian Glosh as the cantor. A cantor is the person who leads a congregation in singing. At the end of the performance, the 2 cantors were given special recognition because of th...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dictatorship VS Democracy - Benito Mussolini :: Italy Dictator Politics Government

Introduction Dictatorship is a type of Government. The leader rules alone or in a small group. The dictator is usually a commoner and their rule is not limited by law. The people have no legal right to influence government and they may be in danger if they choose to do so. The aim of this report is to describe the political system of Italy. To explain the changes that has occurred by changing Italy's political system and to evaluate the consequences of this change. Background - Italy Benito Mussolini's came from Italy. Italy is slightly larger than Arizona, is a long peninsula shaped like a boot, surrounded on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea and on the east by the Adriatic. It is bounded by France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia to the north. The Apennine Mountains form the peninsula's backbone, the Alps form its northern boundary. The largest of its many northern lakes is Garda the Po, its principal river, flows from the Alps on Italy's western border and crosses the Lombard plain to the Adriatic Sea. Several islands form part of Italy, the largest are Sicily and Sardinia (See fig 1). The population of Italy is 58,147,733. Because Bentio was quite popular it was easy for him to rise to the power. The Dictator Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Benito one of Alessandro Mussolini and Rosa Maltoni's three children. Despite having two incomes in the household, the Mussolini?s were poor, as were many families in Italy at this time. He was named Benito after Mexican reformist President Benito JuÃÆ'Â ¡rez. His mother was a teacher and his father, a blacksmith and a socialist activist. In 1891, Mussolini was banned from his local church for throwing stones at the congregation after Mass. Mussolini had never been baptized, and only would be in 1927. He was then sent to boarding school. Later that year and at age 11 was expelled for stabbing a fellow student in the hand and throwing an inkpot at a teacher. Mussolini rose to his power by propaganda and he organized a march in 1922 through Rome with 26 000 followers. Mussolini then convinced the King and the people of Italy to make him Prime Minister of Italy.

Emily Dickinson and Charles Wright :: essays research papers

Faith and spirituality can be explored in the poetry of the New England poet Emily Dickinson and the Southern poet Charles Wright. Dickinson seeks for inspiration in the Bible, while Charles Wright looks to Dickinson as a source of information, guidance and inspiration. Wright suggest that â€Å"[Dickinson’s] poetry [is] an electron microscope trained on the infinite and the idea of God†¦. Her poems are immense voyages into the unknowable.†(Quarter) Charles Wright whose poetry captures a compilation of influences states that "There are three things, basically, that [he] writes about — language, landscape, and the idea of God." Dickinson and Wright centered their poetry in their belief in God and both share the influence of the Bible. Although, Emily Dickinson physically isolated herself from the world she managed to maintain friendships by communicating through correspondence. Ironically, Dickinson’s poetry was collected and published after her death. Dickinson explores life and death in most of her poems by questioning the existence of God. Dickinson applies common human experiences as images to illustrate the connection from the personal level of the human being, to a universal level of faith and God. This can be seen in Dickinson’s Poem (I, 45). There's something quieter than sleep Within this inner room! It wears a sprig upon its breast— And will not tell its name. Some touch it, and some kiss it— Some chafe its idle hand— It has a simple gravity I do not understand! I would not weep if I were they— How rude in one to sob! Might scare the quiet fairy Back to her native wood! While simple-hearted neighbors Chat of the "Early dead"— We—prone to periphrasis Remark that Birds have fled! Dickinson employs vivid impressions of death in this poem. In the first line, she employs the analogy between sleep and death; sleep is silent but death lives within silence. She uses the word â€Å"it† to help identify something other than human. She declares that â€Å"it†¦.will not tell its name† as thought it refuses to speak and then resents the dead for its stillness and laziness. Then she acknowledges the attraction she has to death by doubting its â€Å"gravity†. In the third stanza, she expresses that she would not cry for the dead because not only is it offensive to the dead but it might panic the soul to return to dust. Christians believe that from the earth we are made and once we die, we return to the dust of the earth.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

George Orwell – Animal Farm

Animal Farm George Orwell Resource Pack for Forms 4 and 5 Based on Longman Literature Guidelines Introduction Animal Farm is a fable, a story in which animals speak and behave like human beings. It is also called an allegory, which is defined as â€Å"a symbolic story that serves as a disguised representation for meanings other than those indicated on the surface†. This means that George Orwell not only wrote a story in its own right (about a group of farm animals which rebels against the farmer), but also wrote a story which meant something much more. He wanted to show his opinion about a political system which he didn’t agree with. The best way to study Animal Farm is to first examine the story, and the animals themselves, regardless of their symbolic and their political significance. This is because, when we read the story, our feelings are aroused by Boxer, Napoleon and Benjamin. They are characters in their own right, not just symbols. This gives Animal Farm its life; its significance would be much weaker if the animals were mere symbols. 1. The Animals By Chapter 3, the characters are already quite well developed. As readers, we can already predict what is going to happen in the following chapters. Imagine that you have been entrusted with the task to find out top secret information about the animals, to warn humans about any potentially dangerous characters. This might be the dossier (character study) below. [pic] The Battle of the Cowshed The Commandments The commandments were often altered according to what the pigs thought was best. Most of the animals never realised although some did perceive that some things were being changed. 2. Propaganda: Turning Black into White It is very obvious that Squealer is the most frequent public speaker (orator) for the pigs. To say he is very diplomatic is an understatement and the other animals say that he could turn black into white. This is one of the tools of Animalism. 3. The Pigs’ Treatment of Boxer Boxer is a character whom we feel sorry for. He is the embodiment of a faithful worker that trusts its leader blindly without question. He worked harder and harder, until it took away all his strength. 4. A School for Pigs It was announced that a schoolroom would be built in the farmhouse garden. For the time being, the young pigs were being taught by Napoleon himself in the farmhouse kitchen. They took their exercise in the garden, and were discouraged from playing with the other young animals. 8. Piggish Activity 7: This is the basic examination all teachers must pass before obtaining their certificate. Help the class put this speech into Piggish. Make sure that you give a piggish explanation of the changes announced in the speech. 9. The Animals’ Motives Orwell keeps the reader’s interest in the story itself by the variety of human characteristics the animals show. For example, Mollie, vain and self-indulgent, was a favourite of Jones’ and had much to lose from the revolution. The cat, sly and cunning, hiding from trouble or work, joins the Wild Animal Re-education Committee to try and catch sparrows. Each of these animals has a clear motive for its actions; most of the other animals that are less selfish have too little intelligence to rebel. ———————– Activity 1: Fill in the following table by browsing through the book to find the characters: | |CHARACTER’S NAME |WHAT IS HE/IT? |1 | | | |2 | | | |3 | | | |4 | | | |5 | | | |6 | | | |7 | | | |8 | | |9 | | | |10 | | | |11 | | | |12 | | | |13 | | | |14 | | | |15 | | | |16 | | | Activity 2: Try similar dossiers on any three of these animals: ? Snowball ? Boxer ? Benjamin ? Squealer ? Clover Activity 3: Make up an eyewitness report of the Battle of the Cowshed, basing your answers on the material in Chapter 4. You are writing from the viewpoint of a supporter of the rebellion. 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At each point you have to state why the alteration was made. FROM |TO |REASON | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Activity 5: Make notes of Squealer’s power of persuasion. Look for evidence in chapters 3,4,7,8 and 9. Note not only what he says but how he says it. An example is given: Chapter/Page |What Squealer says |How he says it | |Chap 5/ pg. 55 |Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the|Squealer is sent to do the dirty work after Napoleon announced there would be no discussions about future decisions. | | |contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ But |He excuses Napoleon because it is a direct cause of the animals’ inability to make good decisions. Squealer is very | | |sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and |polite and makes it seem that poor Napoleon is taking an extra load on his back rather than being a dictator. | | |then where should we be? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Resource for study: Main Quotes said about or said by Boxer: 1. When Boxer heard this he fetched the small straw hat which he wore in summer to keep the flies out of his ears, and flung it into the fire with the rest. 2. There were days when the entire work of the farm seemed to rest on his mighty shoulders. 3. On several occasions he did learn E, F, G, H but by the time he knew them he had forgotten A, B, C, D. 4. ‘I will work harder. ’ 5. ‘I have no wish to take life, not even human life,’ repeated Boxer, and his eyes were full of tears. 6. Animal Hero, First Class 7. If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right. 8. Nothing could be achieved without Boxer, whose strength seemed equal to that of all the rest of the animals put together. 9. Boxer would even come out at nights and work for an hour or two on his own by the light of the harvest moon. 10. â€Å"But he was wounded,† said Boxer. â€Å"We all saw him running with blood. † 11. â€Å"Ah, that is different! † said Boxer. â€Å"If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right. † 12. Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go. 13. The animals could not face the terrible explosions and the stinging pellets and in spite of the efforts of Napoleon and Boxer to rally them, they were soon driven back. 14. But Boxer would not listen. He had, he said, only one real ambition left — to see the windmill well underway before he reached the age of retirement. 15. ‘To tell you the truth, I have been looking forward to my retirement. ’ 16. But alas! his strength had left him: and in a few moments the sound of the drumming hoofs grew fainter and died away. Those were his very last words, Comrades. 17. From somewhere or other the pigs had acquired the money to buy themselves another case of whisky. Activity 6: Imagine you were the teacher of a class of young pigs. Choose two of these subjects and in each case write an outline of the first lesson you would give. History It is obviously important that the young pigs know the true facts about the revolution, the battle of the cowshed and how the traitor Snowball was defeated. Choose one of topics for your first lesson, making sure that you illustrate fully the part played by your glorious leader, Comrade Napoleon. Biology The superiority of the pig. Prove that Nature has singled out the pig to be the natural leader of animals. Give examples from the past to prove the pigs’ superiority. Stress the responsibilities such superiority places on the pig. Geography Demonstrate how Animal Farm is the largest, best managed, most fertile and most successful farm in the world. Illustrate (you need some comparative figures) how Foxwood and PInchfield are far inferior in every respect. Sociology Choose from one of these 1. The importance of sheep in society. You will need to demonstrate past uses of sheep in the success of Animal Farm. 2. The function of dogs. Show how dogs have helped to ensure that good triumphs over evil in Animal Farm’s history. Show how Comrade Napoleon was the first to realise this. Benjamin’s Attitude: Benjamin is neither selfish nor stupid. What he says when he sees Boxer being carried away to the â€Å"knacker’s† is far too late. He should have said it before. Using material from the whole book, write about one of the following: 1. Show that Benjamin probably understood what the pigs were doing to Animal Farm, and say why you think he took no action. 2. â€Å" If everybody took Benjamin’s attitude, evil would flourish without check. † How much sympathy have you with Benjamin’s attitude? Is he partly to blame for what happens? Snowball’s mistakes: Snowball was the ablest pig on Animal Farm. He has ability, vision and some genuine concern for the animals’ welfare. Imagine you are going to interview Snowball after everything has gone back to normal and the pigs have been overthrown. Write a report on the imaginary interview with him. Does he feel bitter? Does he think he made any mistakes? Has he plans to return to Animal Farm? Would he try and start another revolution somewhere else?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Case Study in Abnormal Psychology Essay

The study of any case in Abnormal Psychology views multiple aspects of self-concept and various behaviors and is the foundation of defining normal and abnormal behaviors. In the complex process of defining and exploring the vast concepts of behavior multi faceted information must be incorporated. Individual behaviors, perspectives, attitudes, and personal identity reveal the internal workings of how specific aspects of life coincide to determine ones concept of normal and abnormal behavior. Throughout history individuals have sought to find out the difference between normal and abnormal perspectives and the purpose for ones existence thus it is only through self realization that society and the people within can find this answer. The exploration of behavior and the many areas that humans search to find a deeper understanding of exactly what the concept of normal behavior leads to a profound investigation of internal and external aspect of life which shapes every angle of one’s self definition. As previous generations have sought to find the answers to this important life question it is the purpose of this paper to continue that great quest into the most definitive goal of society, which is the comprehension of the many, interlinked experiences that define self. The various aspects of behavior and attitudes such as personality traits, abilities, physical characteristics, beliefs, values, goals, and roles help psychologist define normal and abnormal behavior. During the early stages of life children develop an organized and multilevel perspective of information about themselves in the process of acquiring the ability to understand the relation between self and the behavior. Behavior is present in children and centered on many levels of concrete cognitive characteristics, such as physical characteristics and skills. While the focus and perspectives of behavior change from childhood  to middle childhood, behavioral concepts become more integrated and differ as the child engages in social comparison and more clearly perceives the self as consisting of internal, external, and psychological characteristics (Self Concept, 2010). The process of understanding behavior becomes more defined as individuals reach adolescence. It is during this developm ental stage of adolescence that individuals become increasingly aware of the presence and influence of the definition of behavioral characteristic through acquiring a broader perspective of new concepts such as abstract views of the world around them, new experiences with complex issues of cognitive mental representations or self-schemas, which direct the processing of self-relevant information. Social interaction is a key element of behavioral development in which individuals learn foundational skills that aid in the comprehension of self. Through interaction with peers individuals explore or investigate new aspects of self and social interaction by recognizing like interest with peers, social behaviors, emotional responses, and social learning and problem solving skills. These developmental building blocks teach individuals vital insights of self that can be incorporated throughout life such as the development of cooperation, social exchange, demonstrating and understanding empathy as well as experimenting with different roles with behavioral settings. Interaction with society is a defining factor in ones understanding of behavior and is the building block for future and present relationships and definition. Through these various interactions with society integral relationships shape the individuals connection to the world around them and in turn lead to stability within t he internal processes which determine the individual’s perspective of behavioral concept, self esteem, and self efficiency and aids the psychologist in treating an individual with behavioral problems. Definitive concepts that an individual must comprehend in addition to understanding in relation to the hierarchy of normal and abnormal behavior concept in order to understand the complexity of self and the role that individual plays within society. Behavior is by definition the positive or negative reactions to individuals’ society and towards oneself and is viewed as the internal evaluation of one’s self worth and value. It is clear that behavior is one of the fundamental aspects of development and self, a healthy perspective of one’s life must reflect positive values and  definitions of self in order for an individual to develop a healthy mental state. The totality of an individual’s comprehension regarding behavior is a valid developmental concept that must reflect all thoughts and feelings in relation to self and society (Paterson, 2010). Self efficiency describes an individual with confidence in his or her ability to think, understand information, self control, and a defined sense of self worth. It is an important aspect of development of perception to thoroughly understand the impact that these concepts of behavior have on an individual’s life and should be valued as priority (Paterson, 2010). Two distinct experiences that affect personal development are the values of personal beliefs and social factors. In a case study of children’s behavior parents instill values that have shaped the children’s’ perspective of many social and self perspectives. In this case the behaviors displayed by a child growing up in a lower middle class family in rural America was viewed by the parents as abnormal or normal, the child’s behavior in many factors are defined by what he or she has accomplish, and the belief or worth came from validation that he or she needed and that all other aspects of life were just reflections of what society viewed as normality. Over the years many the individuals’ behavior felt as if he or she did not really know that the displayed perspectives of behavior were being viewed as abnormal. Growing up the individual gained a new perspective of exactly what normality was and realized that many of the behaviors displayed were abnormal it was this behavioral awareness that lead to psychological help. When the individual entered high school more abnormal behaviors were displayed and societal definitions determined many of the treatments used by the psychologist. There is no other concept within psychology that shapes individuals as much as behavior. It is in understanding how one’s life is changed based on the situation and experiences, the behaviors and attitudes, and the internal sense of self worth that motivates individuals to step into a deep understanding of life. Reference Self Concept. (2010). Self Concept. Retrieved March, 2011 from: Paterson, C. (2010). Measuring Changes in Self-Concept. Retrieved March 7, 2011 from:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Greek Myths and English Language Essay

Abstract: Do you know â€Å"Achilles’ Heel†? It’s an allusion from Greek myths. Instances like this are not difficult to find in English language. They are terse and vivid because of Greek myths and legends behind them. Therefore, they enjoy popular use. But these words and phrases are peculiar to the native culture and language, they appear exotic to foreign learners. So let’s share some words and idioms which are relevant to Greek myths in view of knowing the ins and outs of them and understanding how to apply them. In the meanwhile, they can help you understand English history and English culture more thoroughly and deep and taste the wisdom and humor of the English people. Key words: relationship, Greek myths, English language, English idioms  Once the Republican supporter made comments on Clinton’s scandal, â€Å"A misbehaving president is regarded as a government’s Achilles heel and is expected to resign.†Ã‚  What is Achilles’ heel? If you don’t know it, you will not understand the meaning of the supporter’s comments. The idiom means the weak or vulnerable point of a person, organization and country, etc. which comes from Greek myths. The story is about Achilles, one of the Greek heroes in the Iliad. When he was a child, he was taken by his mother Thetis and dipped in the river Styx to make him invulnerable. The water washed every part of his body expect the heel in his mother’s hand. It was precisely at his vulnerable point that Achilles was later killed in Trojan battle. Greek mythology is a set of legends about the gods, heroes, natural events and universal history of Hellenic civilization. The myths of Greece mostly come from Hellenic literature such as Homer’s Iliad, Hesiod’s Theogony and Sophocles’ drama. From the Renaissance to now, Greek Myths is one of their required courses when the English people receive classical education. These stories and myths are so enjoyable that they impress themselves upon the English. Therefore the myths of Greece become the abundant supply of English language. Let’s take Europe for instance. Sometimes it is also called Europa, which originally comes from Greek Mythology. In it, Europa is a princess who is abducted and carried off by a white bull to Crete, the cradle of Hellenic civilization. And the bull is actually Zeus, king of the Gods. In the same way, Paris is a person’s name also from Greek myths. Paris is the son of the King of Troy. These two are place names. And the main characters from Greek mythology also appear in everyday speech. For instance, a huge or heroic task is said to herculean. This is in tribute to the Greek mythological hero Hercules. And when you talk about a book of maps, atlas will occur to you. It is named after Atlas, a titan who supported the heavens on his shoulders. Here’s one you are probably familiar with it. It’s the word promethean which describes a daringly creative or defiantly original act, because of the Titan Prometheus, who defied the wrath of Zeus and stole fire in order to benefit humankind. And another word you may have used before without realizing your debt to Greek mythology. The word panic comes from Pan, the God of shepherds. Pan was always considered to be the cause of the sudden fear especially in lonely places. That’s why it’s called panic. Then more attention will be paid to the relationship between Greek myths and English idioms. Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences, which are loaded with the native cultures and ideas. Therefore, there are a great deal of idioms are relevant to the myths of Greece. And these idioms are not easy to understand from its literal meanings, for example, Greek gift. Does it mean a gift made in Greece? Of course not, it symbolizes a dangerous gift. But as they are colourful, blunt, expressive and impressive, they form an important part of the English vocabulary and are now used in different situations. So I will share some of them with you in view of giving you the background of them. As defined by famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, Oedipus complex is the unconscious desire of a young child for sexual intercourse with the parent of the opposite sex, especially between boys and their mothers. The source of this complex is from the Greek legend of King Oedipus. Oedipus was the son of King Laius of Thebes, a city in Greece. There was a Apollo’s oracle predicted that he would killed his father and marry his mother. So when he was born his father Laius bound his feet together and had exposed him on a lonely mountaintop where it must soon starve. Then the poor infant was rescued by a shepherd and raised by Polybus, King of Corinth. And he was called Oedipus. Years later, Oedipus, too, like Laius, thought to make it impossible for the oracle to come true and resolved never to see Polybus. But on his journey he unwittingly killed King Laius with whom he quarreled. He arrived at Thebes shortly thereafter and saved the city from the ravages of the Sphinx. He was proclaimed king in Laius’ stead, and he took the dead king’s widow, Jocasta, as his own wife. After several years a terrible plague struck Thebes. The Apollo declared that the plague would be stayed upon one condition: whoever had murdered King Laius must be punished. In the course of his investigation, Oedipus discovered that he himself was the killer and that Laius had been his real father. Finally he couldn’t act against the decrees of fate. In his despair at this discovery, Oedipus blinded himself. Girls have a similar sexual desire for the father which is repressed in analogous fashion and is called Electra complex. It also comes from Greek mythology. Electra is the daughter of Agamemnon, the king who led the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War. To obtain favorable winds for the Greek fleet sailing to Troy, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to the goddess Artemis and so came under a curse. After he returned home victorious, he was murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover. To avenge his father’s death, Electra helped her brother kill their mother and her lover. The allusion also comes from the Greek legend of King Oedipus. The Sphinx is winged monster having the head and breasts of a woman and body of a lion. She lay in wait for the wayfarers along the roads to Thebes and whoever she seized she put a riddle to, telling him if he could answer it, she would let him go. No one could, and the horrible creature devoured man after man until the city was in a state of siege. And at that time, Oedipus heard what was happening in Thebes in his lonely wanderings. He was a homeless, friendless man to whom life meant little and he determined to seek the Sphinx out and try to solve the riddle. â€Å"What creature,† the Sphinx asked him, â€Å"goes on four feet in the morning, on two at noonday, on three in the evening?† â€Å"Man,† answered Oedipus. â€Å"In childhood he creeps on hands and feet; in manhood he walks erect; in old age he helps himself with a staff.† It was the right answer. The Sphinx, inexplicable, but most fortunately, killed herself. The Thebans were saved. It is so called Sphinx’s riddle which means difficult problems. And Sphinx is also used to describe an enigmatic person. The following are a few examples in actual uses.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How effectively has Steinbeck created tension during the incident with Candy’s dog? Essay

The killing of Candy’s dog in Steinbeck’s novel â€Å"Of mice and men† is a very important incident. The author makes this scene very tense using different techniques. Everything starts because Slim considers the dog is useless and has a bad smell. â€Å"He ain’t no good† (p70). And as he just got five puppies he believes Candy could make good use of one of those. Candy, very nervous and doubtful, finally accepts that killing his dog, which has been with him for a very long time, will be the best to do. Even though he knows that he will miss him. Carlson, described as â€Å"thick bodied† (p70), goes out of the ranch and kills the dog. These moments in the ranch are of absolute silence, and nobody is able to break this silence. â€Å"Silence fell† (p75). Time seems to pass very slowly; every sound scares everyone, until we can finally hear a shot from outside. The poor old dog was killed, we knew he should die, but didn’t want it to happen. After this death, everything came back to normality in the ranch, or the men were at least talking to each other again. In these pages, Steinbeck uses different techniques to achieve tension and time passing slowly. Time passing slowly can be shown when he starts sentences with a conjunction. â€Å"And slim †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p74). â€Å"And the silence †¦ † (p75). This creates a long pause between one sentence and the other, giving a sense of conclusion. Steinbeck uses time in a very special way to increase tension. The more slowly the time passes, the tension increases greatly, â€Å"A minute passed and another minute† (p75). The author is really emphasised in time, we can almost listen the tic-tac of the clock, which makes us feel nervous, not really about what is going to happen, but whatever it is; we want it to happen immediately. Steinbeck also uses a series of short sentences in page 75, just before the smelly dog is going to be killed. â€Å"It was silence outside. Carlson’s footsteps died away. The silence came into the room. And the silence lasted.† (p75) This short sentences makes the reader pause a lot, it suggests that something dramatic is about to happen. It makes everything be very tense, you could just cut the tension with a scissor. In pages 75 and 76 there is a lot of repetition of the word silence. Steinbeck uses this word seven times through the passage. He really wants us to know about the atmosphere in the room, in complete silence. George won’t even break himself the stillness by shuffling the cards, but everybody is grateful for things that break the silence. â€Å"A little gnawing sound †¦ all the man looked toward it gratefully.† (p75). This silence is personified by Steinbeck â€Å"The silence came into the room† (p75). It seems as if the silence is another character in the scene, invading the room, making everybody feel nervous. It really increases a lot the tension. Steinbeck seems to have divided the characters, Candy: the one being hurt, Carlson; acting as the antagonist, the rest of the man; just avoiding the situation, and Slim acting as a sort of judge. Candy is suffering and is very uncomfortable as we can see in these pages. He might even be desperate. â€Å"Candy looked from help from face to face† (p72). This shows Candy’s loneliness, he is alone while his dog is about to die. Carlson clearly is the antagonist; he is waiting anxiously to kill the dog, to shoot the back of his skull. He does not care about the bond between Candy and his dog; he doesn’t feel any emotion at all. This is seen through the following quotation â€Å"I’d put the gun right there† (p72). George, Whit and the other men are evading the situation. They dislike the dog too, but prefer to stay in absolute silence and play cards instead of helping his good old friend. Slim is acting as a sort of judge, because he is trying to please Carlson and at the same time convince Candy about the situation. It is night in this scene and very dark. â€Å"Darker’n hell in here† (p70). It shows that something bad is about to happen, and when it is about to happen, or when it gets near, the darker it gets. â€Å"Out into the darkness† (p75). The dark sky is invading everything, everyone. Death is near. They can fell it in this atmosphere, were nobody can see clearly. Steinbeck also uses a comparison; at the beginning he compares George and Lennie to Candy and his dog. They are live partners; one of them takes care of the other. They are both friends who love each other and would do everything for his partner. Until now, that Candy accepted to kill his dog believing it would be the best thing to do. He didn’t even say good-bye. This might tell us that George will do the same with Lennie, maybe make a new friend, who knows.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Coca Cola's Supply Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coca Cola's Supply Network - Essay Example Spain is a country in which over 21,000 fires happening every year and â€Å"coke recently helped to restore some of the forests around Madrid that have suffered badly from forest fires, planting indigenous species and building dams† (The Coca Cola Company: Spain, 2009). Moreover, Coke helps the countries to develop new environmental legislation and protection with its waste recovery or recycling operations. There are no other companies in the world which can claim the same popularity and wider supply chain networks than Coke. In short, the same popularity of Coca Cola products cannot be claimed by any other products, which is the reason why I chose this organization in order to analyse the supply network. The growth of Coke is phenomenal in some parts of the world and it is necessary to assist the growth prospects with the help of an updated logistics or supply chain management system. Keeping in mind that, Coca Cola is constantly updating their logistics channels, to enhance the capabilities of their distribution system. Route optimization, route planning and load building are some of the strategies adopted by Coke to improve their delivery system. Because of the developments in the infrastructure facilities, new and easy routes might be developed at different areas. Coke explores all such possibilities periodically so that they select the cheapest routes for distributing their products. Coca Cola is keen in incorporating new technologies into their logistics and supply chain operations in order to improve the services of their distribution channels. Recently, they combined their logistics and retail expertise with SAPs software-development talent to create applications to improve delivery to stores (Foley & Kontzer, 2004). The arrival of SAP software enhanced the capabilities of the account managers, delivery drivers, and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Politics and good governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Politics and good governance - Essay Example Much heat has been generated on the the subject of the best foreign exchange rate regime for developing countries. I do not intend to add to it. I, however, do intend to draw attention to the major question of this paper: Is exchange rate regime the most important thing to focus on in developing countries Furthermore, is there really any exchange rate regime that is fail-proof Is there any that enjoys the unanimous support of the leading economists If there is, are there not sufficient illustrations of countries who failed using a regime others succeeded in If such cases do abound, are there not factors that made an otherwise workable regime unworkable in their situation We shall look at the factors we think might affect any exchange rate regime adversely. And it is our intention that these suggestions will trigger off further study on the subject matter and uncover several other factors. This is to say that the factors discussed here are not exhaustive. There is room for further exp loration of the subject and, indeed, that is the intent of this paper. We intend to stimulate interest that will fuel extensive research. We shall begin with those factors we believe have militated and still do militate against the successful implementation of exchange rate policies in developing countries. ... quality of governance in developing countries focusing specifically on political stability, the often defective and totally dissatisfactory electoral process, quality of opposition and separation of powers among other things. Finally, we shall look at the effects of social instability, lack of quality infrastructure, the absence of independence of controlling institutions and the stability and strength of the banking sector. Thereafter, we shall look at what we consider a better process. It will be wise to state here that the process does not refer to any exchange rate regime. It refers to what we consider to be a better approach to the issue of foreign exchange rate regimes. We believe that the process does not start with the implementation of any exchange rate policy, but the creation of an enabling environment and establishment of relevant institutions. The establishment of these relevant institutions does not refer to just setting up structures but truly entrenching these structures and their deserved independence in the consciousness of the population. The effect of the quality of the country's Polity The polity of any nation plays a major role in the policy thrust of the government. The level of accountability demanded by them and their level of involvement through their representatives go a long way in affecting the policies of that nation. The level of illiteracy in developing countries is certainly not as high as that of developed nations. In fact, there is a high level of illiteracy in the lower developing countries. Furthermore, even for those who are considered educated, the level of background knowledge necessary for proper evealuation of economic policies is very low or totally inexistent. Now, how does this affect the country's foreign exchange

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sustainable Construction Method Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Sustainable Construction Method - Coursework Example Much of this is now controlled by legislation and pollution of air, land and sea within the European Union and many Western Nations is now reducing. The loss of control of manufacturing processes therefore has a considerable environmental impact. 2. Resource Use The construction industry is the major consumer of resources of all industries. 3. Habitat Destruction While the three greatest and most imminent threats to the survival of our civilization are global warming, peak oil (the growing energy gap between supply and demand) and resource depletion, habitat destruction can have a more immediate and disastrous effect on certain localized areas and species. Sometimes these can also have a global impact (for example the impact of the deforestation of the Amazon rain forests). . 4. Waste There are increasing regulations about waste disposal from construction and many products, even common products like gypsum plasterboard and mineral wool insulation are now labeled as hazardous and requ ire special disposal. In addition there are many projects to find new uses for waste construction materials. However here, as with waste disposal, the less processed a material is, and the less hazardous, the easier re-use, recycling or healthy disposal (for example through composting) will be. Many essential materials are now in short supply. 5. Climate change The main base performance criteria for energy efficient buildings all concern the thermal performance of the building shell where most of the CO2 gains can be most easily made. The fact is that if we are serious about climate change then we need to stop playing games with technologies which do not deliver real CO2 savings. The real challenge in this area is... The intention of this study is the environmental impact assessment as a â€Å"process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made†. An environmental impact assessment is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the natural, social and economic aspects. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the ensuing environmental impacts when deciding whether to proceed with a project. The construction process and building use not only consume the most energy of all sectors and create the most CO2 emissions, they also create the most waste, use most non-energy related resources, and are responsible for the most pollution. Materials such as copper, which is largely mined in South America where whole mountains have been taken down and landscapes altered in the search for ever more rare resources. The environmental aspect can be looked as: emissions into the air, water spills, waste generation, soil pollution, resource consumption, local impacts, and impacts associated with transportation, effects on biodiversity and emergency situations and incidents. This particular proposal has been prepared by consulting engineers done on the behalf of their client. The aim of the project is to present a preliminary assessment findings pertaining to `energy options that can be exploited by client.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Honest Graft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Honest Graft - Essay Example believed that an honest graft is one which is because of the foreseeing power of an individual and it does not involve the money of treasury or the state government. He described honest graft as one in which an individual foresees an upcoming opportunity and avails it for his benefit. For example if the individual realizes that the government may be wanting space to build a park on a specific land, he would buy that land before hand so that he can sell it later on a higher price. Whereas in dishonest graft there is involvement of black money that is from sources such as gambling and treasury. An example of this is when an individual steals money from the treasury and utilizes it for his own use. I agree with Plunkitt as the honest graft can be a business in itself and this can be done by any individual who knows how to avail opportunities. Plunkitt had his own standpoint in politics. He criticized the reformers and their role in politics in the mid to late 1800’s. He believed that reformers were just the beginners in the game of politics. They were not able to interpret the bluffs and games around which the whole scenario of politics revolved. He opined that they were not able to clean up the government and politics because these individuals who were not even trained for politics tried to enter politics and change the whole scenario. Usually these individuals came out successfully in the beginning but gradually all these reformers had to exit because they were not capable of handling the overall scenario of politics. Plunkitt claimed that his party and all its members were dedicated to their country and the well being of its individuals. Their patriotism could clearly be seen in the incidents quoted in the book when the party members celebrated their independence like nobody else did. As described â€Å"Four hours under a big silk hat in a hall where the heat registers 110 and the smoke 250!† (RIORDIN, Chapter 17) Here it can be clearly seen that the leader

Monday, September 9, 2019

Accounting Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting Scandal - Essay Example Due to Enron’s scandal, the core principles of auditing have dynamically changed. This paper will seek to portray the keen principles of Enron’s root cause of its downfall and the potential impact it made that has crippled other companies. Choose an accounting scandal (from the link below) and summarize it.   Please include the following in the summary:   1) A brief description/background of the company.   One of the biggest frauds that has ever taken place in the modern 21st century commerce was the case with Enron. Enron’s scandal without a doubt has been the focal point for one of the biggest busts in the history of American entity. The Enron Scandal and the Neglect of Management Integrity Capacity Enron was a very prosperous and prominent firm that was an American energy company established in Houston, Texas. Enron was formed in 1985 by Kenneth Lay after he had acquired two other gas companies in his quest to become a conglomerate in the American history. Nonetheless, after Enron’s biggest scandal, shareholders lost around $11 billion as the company continued on the downward spiral. Enron finally filed for bankruptcy at its $63.4 billion in assets were completely diluted. Many of the stockholders got measly pennies back for the huge investments they had in the company. 2) When the scandal was (or is believed to be) formed.   ... The continuous spiral of modifying the financial statements became a continuous habit and the lead cause of the downfall for the company. Undoubtedly, managers in corporate America have to protect the interests of the corporate executives along with the goals of the stakeholders. The management clearly neglected responsibility of overseeing the unethical practices that were plaguing the corporation. The Enron scandal continued to grow worse every year as it became a problem that was out of control. The primary motivation for Enron was to keep their gross income high along with cash flow while diminishing their liabilities and long-term debts. 3) An in-depth analysis of the accounting scandal.   As mentioned before, Enron ran a Ponzi scheme that continued to over-inflate the revenues that they were actually earning. Enron and other energy suppliers earned sales by providing services such as electricity, natural gas and providing other risk management products. Traditionally, compani es similar to Enron such as Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch used simple pure â€Å"brick and mortar† model for reporting income. However, Enron took upon a new model known as â€Å"the merchant model.† This model was however not adapted by Enron as they utilized the merchant model, which was aggressive, risky and was based on a subjective representation of revenues that were estimated. Although the system did thrive as Enron continued to promise huge compensations for its executives, it also lead to the downfall for the company. For instance, the company’s revenue from 1996 to 2000, Enron’s revenues were grossly inflated to be increased by 700%. This extensive inflation was highly unjustified as the market for

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Diplomatic Efforts To End WWII Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Diplomatic Efforts To End WWII - Assignment Example However, America supported the Nationalist wing but remained neutral till the very end (Butow). The Attack on Pearl Harbor: With the passage of time, it was observed that relations between Japan and America were growing weak which eventually resulted in the attack on Pearl Harbor. America along with other countries condemned Japan’s growing influence and its strategy to expand its boundaries by getting into wars with the neighboring countries. To maintain its dominance in the region, Japan attacked the U.S naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The attack was intended to keep the U.S military away from entering or invading the military actions of Japan. This attacked changed the nature of relationship between Japan and America and thus provoking America to enter in the war with Japan which caused huge damages to the Japanese nation. End of the War: We find no significant clue or the evidences that could state clearly that what ended the war in 1945 and there is no evidence of t hat could prove the most highlighted controversy that the use of atomic bomb or a nuclear weapon was the reason to end the war. However, the reasons for ending the war can be concluded on the formation of three national consensuses that: 1- The use of nuclear weapons was justified 2- The war ended because of their use 3- The use of the weapons was justified morally as saving more lives than they cost (Sherwin). American Policy and Strategy: In 1943, President Roosevelt declared the ending of war by stating it as the ‘unconditional surrender† of the Axis powers. The term ‘unconditional surrender’ was coined to declare that no one after Japan and Germany would ever try to threaten the peace of the region. America declared its actions as a need to restore peace and harmony in the region (Sherwin). Japanese Strategy and Policy: Japanese devised a new strategy to overcome the defeat they have incurred during the war by the hands of Americans. The Japanese leaders did not see their condition as severe in fact they devised a new military-political plan to overcome this defeat. They thought that this plan would be sufficient enough to mark the ending of the war as satisfactory. This plan which they named Ketsu Go contained the fundamental idea that Americans despite their strong material power are brittle creatures. Japanese believed that by giving huge loss to Americans on the Home lands would mark an end on the war. Japanese calculated the strength of American force and the command. But after the Imperial conference in June, they sanctified the Ketsu Go plan. Japanese proposed the fact in their policy papers that the starvation from the food could bring them more causalities than the battle with America (Butow). An Insight on What Ended the War: Truman became the President of America in 1945 when World War II was almost getting over in Europe. Hitler committed suicide which marked the surrender of Germany. However, in Pacific the war was sti ll on its highest peak with Japan fighting back like a warrior with America. With the new President Truman, military officials proposed the plan with Allied invasion on Japan, America can gain the victory. Truman knew about the plan which was planned on using it as his second option; the use of the most terrible weapon that would destruct and damage the entire country known in