Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Léopold Sédar Senghor :: essays research papers

Lopold Sdar SenghorSenegalese poet and statesman, founder of the Senegalese Democratic Bloc. Senghor was elected chairwoman of Senegal in the 1960s. He retired from office in 1980. He was one of the originators of the concept of Ngritude, defined as the literary and artistic expression of the black African experience. In historical context the term has been seen as a reaction against cut colonialism and a defence of African culture. It has deeply influnced the strengthening of African personal identity in the French-speaking black world. "Lmotion est ngre, la raision est hllne." (emotion is Negro, reason is Greek) "Negritude is the totality of the cultural values of the Black world." Lopold Sdar Senghor was natural in Joal-la-Portugaise, a small fishing vilage about seventy miles south of Dakar. His father was of noble descent and wealthy merchant. His mother was a Peul, one of a pastoral and nomadic people. Later Senghor wrote "I grew up in the heartland of A frica, at the crossroads / Of castes and races and roads" The first seven years of his life Senghor spent in Djilor with his mother and maternal uncles and aunts. At the age of twelve, he attended the Catholic mission school of Ngazobil. He continued his studied at the Libermann Seminary and Lyce caravan Vollenhoven, finishing secondary-school education in 1928. After winning a state scholarship, Senghor then moved to Paris and graduated from the Lyce Louis-le-grand in 1931. During these years he read African-American poets of the Harlem Renaissance and such French poets as Rimbaud, Mallarm, Baudelaire, Verlaine and Valry. Among Senghors s friends were Aim Cesaire, with whom he would develope the idea of Negritude, and Georges Pompidou, who later elected President of France. In 1932 Senghor was grant French citizenship. He served in a regiment of colonial infantry and in 1935 he obtained the agrgation degree in grammar. From 1935 he worked as a teacher, notably at Lyce Descart es in Tours, then in Paris at Lyce Marcelin Berthelot. At the outbreak of World War II, he joined the French army, but was captured by the Germans and spent eighteen months in a camp as a prisoner of war. During this period he learned German and wrote poems, which were publish in HOSTIES NOIRES (1948). In 1944 he was appointed professor of African languages at the cole Nationale de la France dOutre-Mer. Senghors first collection of poems, CHANTS DOMBRE (1945), was inspired by the philosopher Henri Bergson, and dealt with the themes of exile and nostalgia.

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